Optimize your network with Equinix


Largest global footprint

With 260+ locations spanning 74 metropolitan areas in 33 countries across 6 continents, get unmatched global coverage in key business hubs.

Widest array of private connectivity options

Get highly flexible, on-demand software-based connectivity and ultra-high-performance physical connectivity for unparalleled network solutions.

Unmatched cloud access

Highest number of native cloud on-ramps, strategically positioned infrastructure near cloud access points to deliver unparalleled performance and ultra-low latency.

Most extensive digital ecosystem

Collaborate and innovate with ~3,000 Cloud & IT providers and ~2,000 NSPs, all connected within a thriving community of 10,000+ global customers.

Relevant customer stories

PCL Construction

“Equinix was invaluable in helping us retrofit our global network with the lowest latency and fastest connectivity to Microsoft Azure for our global users, while enabling greater cloud security and reliability.” 

Chris Palmer, Manager of Advanced Technology Services, PCL Construction

Read their story