New Whitepaper

Overcoming challenges designing and implementing geo-redundancy for high availability and uptime

In this whitepaper, examine design considerations for customers interested in georedundant solutions using Equinix Network Edge. Explore a couple of use cases, starting with a simple example and progressively layering in more options, helping customers choose the best solution based on their risk tolerance and business continuity requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that works in every scenario—customers will have to make the decisions that best fit their unique needs. Get information on various deployment possibilities for access-layer connectivity with Equinix, including options for leveraging the company’s multilevel redundancy solutions and geo-redundancy to enhance business continuity, as well as best practices for deploying and maintaining a resilient network infrastructure.

Explore the following use cases:

  • Use case 1: Cloud-to-cloud routing. In this common Network Edge use case, Network Edge devices are used for routing traffic between two CSPs.
  • Use case 2: Cloud on-ramp with cloud-to cloud routing. In this use case, SD-WAN traffic from branch offices is aggregated and on-ramped to the clouds. Similar to the previous use case, it also provides for cloud-to cloud routing.
Equinix offers customers a wide range of redundancy options to ensure that their critical data is always available, regardless of the circumstances.
- Building a resilient infrastructure – Design considerations and deployment scenarios, Whitepaper, May 2023