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Leaders in the digital economy—a guide to becoming a digital leader

Digital leaders are those businesses whose products and services have transformed entire industries, shaped modern life, and fueled a marketplace that now accounts for a quarter of global GDP. Discover the six key areas where leaders stand apart, as well as valuable insights into the drivers of digital success.

In this in-depth study:

  • See comparisons between hundreds of companies, to determine what puts these leaders on a different level.
  • Explore the key principles and practices that underpins achievements for leading companies across the globe.
  • Read how digital leaders are addressing the challenges of today around hiring and retaining talent, optimizing their digital infrastructure and building value with partners. 
Our research has identified key points of difference between companies leading the way in our digital world and everyone else investing in digital, demonstrating that digital leaders take decisive action to achieve their aims.
Leaders in the Digital Economy
Equinix, October 2021