New Case Study

Friend MTS speeds non-stop broadcast security on Platform Equinix®

Friend MTS is a leading global provider of platform, channel, and content protection services. And it needed to acquire direct, secure connectivity between a sporting event broadcaster’s content feed and its own content security and video privacy platform for a short-term event. 

Not wanting to waste time or CAPEX investing in new hardware networking equipment during the global pandemic, Friend MTS needed fast access to a virtual cloud routing device near the broadcaster. It also required high-bandwidth, low-latency interconnection to deliver a non-stop security service to its customers. Friend MTS found both with Platform Equinix.

Equinix gave us a faster, more cost-effective way to provision a virtual cloud router using Network Edge than buying hardware for a short-term engagement. The proximity inside Equinix to our broadcast client’s feeds and low-latency connectivity to AWS via Equinix Fabric delivered the continuous performance we needed and gave us a scalable, repeatable turnkey solution for the future.
James Caselton
Head of Product, Friend MTS