Warsaw Data Centers

Why choose Warsaw data centers?

Unrivaled connectivity to Central and Eastern European financial centers


Warsaw is a pivotal gateway location between east and west. As the capital of eastern Europe’s second-largest economy, Warsaw is a popular regional HQ location for large multinationals. Our three data centers in prime strategic locations give customers direct connections to one of Europe’s most established industrial ecosystems. 

The most densely connected data center in Poland, Equinix Warsaw offers direct fiber connections to major telecoms carriers and leading enterprises in services, retail, trade and banking. Customers can choose from a broad range of interconnection options with numerous local and international network service providers and cloud service providers. Platform Equinix® in Warsaw is home to Equinix Internet Exchange® (formerly known as PLIX), providing unrivaled connectivity and minimized latency.

To learn more about interconnection opportunities in this metro, visit the Explorer feature within Equinix Marketplace.

Harness our interconnection-focused colocation and platform services


Colocation services

Build secure and reliable digital infrastructure alongside your business partners to unlock the power of interconnected proximity.

Digital services

Deploy digital infrastructure securely and rapidly to assemble infrastructure in minutes— from anywhere in the world—with the world’s largest ecosystem of providers.

State-of-the-art data centers

Colocate with confidence—backed by the world’s leading data center design and operations teams for mission-critical uptime, reliability, security and sustainability.

Certified for global standards

Our data centers are certified to meet rigorous environmental and energy management standards.

Visit our Certifications page for a list of data-center-specific certifications.

Get worldwide network interconnection with Platform Equinix®

Scalable availability

Our Warsaw International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers deliver an industry-leading uptime record with scalable technical space and state-of-the-art security and operating standards.

Secure business platform

With Equinix Warsaw, you can securely deploy, directly connect and effectively scale your digital infrastructure.

Seamless integration

Seamlessly link people, locations, clouds and data at the digital edge.


Access Vibrant Ecosystems

Connect to communities within Equinix that accelerate and amplify internal value creation for your business, including financial enterprises, content and digital media services, global networks and cloud service providers..



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Recommended Reading

How does Equinix compare to other colocation and interconnection services?

Read this competitive assessment of nine providers in this space to complement your understanding of key benefits of critical digital infrastructure provider Equinix.

See IDC vendor assessment